Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of November 9th Challenge - "Change"

Since we are knee deep into Fall and Winter...I figured that the idea of "change" might be a good place to start.  So, do with it what you literal or waaaay out there, but remember to tell us why you have chosen the picture you did.  Also, for anyone new...or old...Remember that you must be in the picture in some form or fashion. 

Definitons of change (not that you don't know what it is...but it just might get the brain moving) : to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone / to become altered or modified / a transformation or modification / the substitution of one thing for another / the passing from one place, state, form, or phase to another / harmonic progression from one tonality to another.

Happy Changing! :]

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